other worlds - paperback edition

other worlds - paperback edition


This collection of ten works by talented Asian creatives has been a labor of love.

Given the theme "Other Worlds," the ten creatives whose pieces of art and writing you’ll see in this zine were given the license to go wild and dare to dream.

On this wild and wonderful journey through worlds of our imagining, we’ll take you through sci-fi dimensions and introduce you to intricately-crafted historical fantasy scapes!

Take a closer look, and see if you can spot some slivers of our own reality peeking out from between the pages.

The “other worlds” zine features work from Chin Yuqin Casey, Farid Nad, Lynette Teo, Shu Yu, Sarah Saifuddin, Lyndon Ang, Xzoni, Robokarla, Ducesid, and Nick Lim.

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